FBT Year Ends March 31: Visit our FAQ page for key deadlines and actions

Supporting projects for the sector

Where possible, we enjoy supporting our client organisations beyond the provision of salary packaging and business advisory services. We have contributed funds to some incredible philanthropic initiatives, and also to smaller projects that help the people working in our sector, so they can provide more impactful and sustainable services to the communities they support:

Eldercare Staff Emergency Relief Fund

As one of the largest aged care providers in South Australia, Eldercare boasts a large workforce. To ensure members of their team can access financial support in times of need, Eldercare management created an emergency relief fund for staff. Given the connection between staff wellbeing and social impact, CBB sponsored this fund to facilitate better outcomes for Eldercare staff facing personal crises and challenges.

Helping Hand Dementia Scholarship

The Helping Hand Dementia Scholarship was established to provide learning opportunities for staff to pursue their passion for learning and helping people living with dementia. CBB supported the scholarship fund, which reflects Helping Hand’s commitment to a legacy of learning and creating positive change. The scholarship empowers awardees to learn best practice, supporting better dementia care standards across the sector.  Read more.

Can:Do Group Staff Facilities

Can:Do Group strive to build inclusive communities and support clients to live life without limits. CBB purchased a new coffee machine for the staff room at their new therapy centre, Can:Do South, as our way of showing gratitude for the important outcomes they deliver. It was a small gesture, but a coffee machine is a great way to foster productivity and satisfaction in the workplace – both of which improve the level of service provided to clients. Plus, staff no longer have to go and buy coffee!

Saint Hilarion Aged Care leadership courses

CBB funded the first in a series of leadership courses designed to support our existing and emerging leaders, so the organisation could better support those they support. Focusing specifically on communication, the first workshop is designed to ensure that effective two-way information flow within and between key organisational units. Agreed communication pathways will form the basis of a new communication framework and help to ensure that the rest of the leadership program is successful.

Orana Staff Awards

To acknowledge their employees’ dedication to enriching the lives of people with disability, Orana launched a staff awards program and CBB agreed to be a major sponsor. Orana Staff Awards recipients are recognised for supporting clients to live more independently, for delivering impactful initiatives and for contributing innovative ideas that solve a problem. The awards also emphasise the importance of forward-thinking when supporting people with disability, creating greater diversity and inclusion within the community.

NT Friendship and Support’s 40th Anniversary

CBB proudly supported NT Friendship and Support’s 40th Anniversary Community Fun Day in Katherine. The purpose of this event was to strengthen the community, bringing together people with disability, foster and kinship carers, children and young people in care, and the general public. Attendees enjoyed cooling down in the local pool and showed off their best moves in an all-abilities disco. We are proud to have helped NT Friendship and Support change the lives of the people they serve and foster greater participation with the wider community.