This Privacy Policy defines how Community Business Bureau (CBB) collects, uses, handles and discloses personal information in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which are contained in Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
At CBB, we appreciate the importance of privacy and are committed to ensuring that the personal information we collect is protected and handled in a professional manner.
The collection of personal information
CBB collects personal information in a number of ways, including:
- In person (e.g. through client meetings, salary packaging sign ups, staff presentations and visits to our offices)
- Events and conferences (e.g. through registrations and the collection of business cards)
- The CBB website (e.g. website “cookies”, subscription forms and customer login area)
- Through our Foreword blog (e.g. subscription forms)
- Social media (e.g. following our Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts)
- Correspondence (e.g. hard copy (paper) forms, electronic forms, faxes, emails or phone calls)
The types of personal information we collect includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Name
- Address
- Contact details (e.g. email address and phone number)
- Date of birth
- Details of your employer
- Job title
If you are a customer of CBB, we may also collect the following details, depending on the products and services that we provide you:
- Salary details
- Employee number
- Bank account information
- Credit card details
- Details of any debts you may have
Why we collect personal information
The main purposes for which we collect, use, hold and disclose your personal information includes the following:
- Administration of our salary packaging and consulting services, including billing and charging, processing payments on your behalf, executing your instructions, etc.
- To provide you with information about products, services or events that may be of benefit to you. See Marketing and communications section for more information on the types of materials you may receive from us.
- For research and development purposes.
- For other purposes, required by law, for which we have gained your consent.
Disclosing your personal information
If you are a salary packaging customer, we may disclose personal information to your employer in order to carry out your salary packaging instructions, or to enable your employer to comply with their employment and taxation requirements.
Due to the nature of the services provided by CBB, it may be necessary for us to disclose your personal information to third party organisations that assist in the delivery of those services. This will be done with your consent. In such cases, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is handled by that third party in accordance with their legal obligations regarding confidentiality and privacy procedures. It may also be necessary to disclose your personal information where we are required by law.
CBB will not sell personal information to another organisation or agency, or disclose information overseas.
Marketing and communications
From time to time, we may use your personal information to contact you for feedback, or advise you of information that is relevant to you through the following:
Email communications
If you are a salary packaging customer, we will keep you up to date with information about Australian Taxation Office (ATO) legislative changes that may affect your packaging, as well as reminders regarding the end of Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year, etc. These communications will be sent as necessary in keeping with CBB’s obligations and legal requirements as your salary packaging provider.
In some instances, we may use your personal information to offer you new products or services.
Occasionally, we send out invitations to our customers to participate in feedback surveys. The responses we receive enable us to monitor our organisation’s performance, gain an understanding of our customers’ overall satisfaction and address any issues requiring improvement. We may also ask for feedback and ideas on new service developments. The completion of these surveys is not compulsory, but always appreciated.
Foreword blog
CBB’s Foreword blog is sent out monthly and contains a number of articles designed to support and inform community organisations. Subscribers are welcome to unsubscribe or update their preferences at any time through the links at the bottom of each email.
Event invitations
CBB not only runs their own events, but also supports and exhibits at a number of external events within the community sector. We may use your personal information to invite you to particular events that we feel may be of benefit to you.
Opting out
If at any time you wish to opt out of receiving marketing materials from CBB, you may do so by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom of the email, or by contacting our team directly. See Enquiries and Complaints section for more information on contacting our team.
When you use the CBB website, you are doing so anonymously, however, our website uses “cookies”. Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer, designed to hold data specific to that user, such as usernames and passwords, for retrieval at a later time. No information which personally identifies you is collected through the use of cookies.
Cookies are most commonly used when accessing the customer login area of our website, enabling the website to recognise that you have been there before and save you from entering your login details each time. If you do not wish your computer to receive cookies, you may change the settings of your internet browser.
Storage and protection of your personal information
The storage and security of your personal information is extremely important to us. At all times, we take great care to ensure that we are protecting your information from misuse, loss, modification and unauthorised access or disclosure. We hold your personal information in both electronic and hard copy formats, with the following security measures in place:
- Password protected logins on all computer systems.
- Hard copy (paper) files are either stored securely on our premises, or placed in a secure facility offsite.
- Electronic files are stored on a secure server.
- Our website uses high-level security protocols to ensure that the information is sent and received securely.
- Secure office premises with access via swipe card.
- Workplace policies and procedures which detail the accurate ways in which to access and store personal information.
Accessing and correcting your personal information
At all times, we will strive to ensure that the personal information we have for you is accurate. You may request to access or update your personal information whenever you like. The time it takes for us to respond will depend on the type of information you request, however, we will respond immediately if able to do so. (Please note that we will need to ask you some security questions to ensure that we correctly identify you prior to disclosing your personal information.)
You may request to access or update your personal information via email, post or phone using the contact information found under the Enquiries and complaints section.
In some cases, we may not agree with your request to access or update your personal information. If this occurs, we will notify you of the reasons for this in writing, as well as providing information on how to make a complaint if you wish to do so.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time at CBB’s discretion. The most up to date version will always be available to read and download on our website.
Enquiries and complaints
If you would like to make an enquiry regarding your personal information, or you believe that CBB has not complied with its obligations concerning your personal information, we invite you to contact us:
Community Business Bureau
Mailing address: 17 Phillips Street, Kensington SA 5068
Phone: 1300 763 505
Email: [email protected]
You also have the right to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Mailing address: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 1300 363 992
Email: [email protected]