FBT Year Ends March 31: Visit our FAQ page for key deadlines and actions

ILC Ready was a free program that was run in 2019 to help eligible groups and organisations apply for an ILC grant.

If you have any questions about the program content please email them to [email protected] and we will do our best to respond within two business days.

Our not for profit advisory supports aspiring and existing providers to understand the disability sector, harness market opportunities, navigate growth challenges, strengthen the capability of their resources, and implement better business practices.

About ILC Ready

Consultant Andrew Ellis writing on the white board in front of clientsThe aim of this program was to support organisations to develop their ideas into fundable project proposals, with a focus on Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grants to support the inclusion of people with disabilities in their communities. Organisations that took part grew their understanding of how to plan a project using a theory of change model, and how to present it as a funding application.

This program was delivered through online content, webinars, and workshops in South Australian regions. South Australian organisations were encouraged to apply for free one to one support from a CBB consultant, to develop their ILC project proposal.

ILC grants are open to organisations of all types and sizes and you don’t need to be an NDIS provider to apply. Grant rounds open throughout the year. Watch our first webinar to find out if ILC is right for you.

This program was funded by the South Australian Department of Human Services through its NDIA Community Inclusion and Capacity Development Grant to provide support to South Australian organisations for ILC readiness. It was free for participating organisations.

Program resources

Engagement tools and techniques

Research sources

CBB articles

Case Studies: Workshop

Community Grants Hub

The Hub plays a critical role in designing, selecting, establishing and managing grants across the Australian Government, including ILC.

Other resources

The Compass – A jargon free guide to navigating social outcomes and impact measurement

GrantConnect – Australian Government’s Centralised Grants Information System

Webinar 1 introduced ILC and how its helping to make Australian society more inclusive of people with disability. We also unpacked the new, National ILC Strategy: Towards 2022, including the key changes from the previous funding approach.  The webinar also covered the four ILC Grant Programs, their place as part of the NDIS, and how they work together to make it easier for people with disability to be included as active participants in the community.

This webinar includes an interview with Kim Taylor, Assistant Director, NDIA.

In this webinar we learnt how to take an ILC Project from the seed of an idea, to a project that delivers outcomes.

We looked at what the NDIA is looking for in an ILC grant project, including the investment principles that guide the four new ILC Grant Programs, and heard about how SA organisations big and small turned their ILC ideas into grant-fundable projects by using their strengths, and the power of collaboration.

Each webinar presented the same content except for the person featured in the Q&A at the conclusion of the presentation.



This webinar will take you step-by-step through the process of planning an ILC project and applying for a grant. We’ll also share stories from real ILC projects – their experiences applying for grants, and what they’ve learnt through running their projects. Finally, we’ll introduce you to the consultants you’ll meet at our forthcoming workshops, and answer your questions about how you can apply for free, one-to-one support to develop your ILC idea into a fundable project proposal.

Each webinar presented the same content except for the person featured in the Q&A at the conclusion of the presentation.