FBT Year Ends March 31: Visit our FAQ page for key deadlines and actions

As part of Community Business Bureau’s commitment to building a stronger not for profit sector, we are proud to offer not for profit organisations across Australia the opportunity to apply for one of our Community Business Grants which offer free support from our advisors.

CBB is a not for profit social enterprise. This means that we reinvest our annual profits into developing our organisation and supporting the not for profit sector through the provision of grants and other initiatives.

Working with over 650 not for profit organisations across Australia, we see various trends and needs within the sector. In each grant round we will offer targeted solutions to support these common sector themes.

Previous Grant rounds

Pro bono advisory services

To launch our partnership with VUCA Trusted Advisors, CBB are providing three of our clients with $7,500 worth of pro bono advisory services via our Community Business Grants. The funds will be placed in a trust with VUCA and can be used on any of their advisory services. Please note there is no cash alternative available, and funds must be spent in FY21/22.  To be eligible for the grant, you must have completed the survey before 26 November 2021 and your organisation must Salary Package with CBB.

Community Business Grant: ResilientMind

Aged care providers are facing significant changes as they adapt to the findings of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The uncertainty throughout transitional periods can be tough on mental health and morale; that’s why the latest round of the Community Business Grants will provide free access to the Resilient Mind program for managers working in the aged care sector. Successful applicants will learn practical strategies to implement better work practices and reduce stress within their team, and also in their personal life.


The ResilientMind Program has been developed by the Awaris in Europe and has a strong evidence base. It provides insights into how we work and the neuroscience of attention, stress and decision making.  It explores resilient ways of thinking and working and is designed to support long term productive work practices.

In total there will be 20 grants which are available to CBB salary packaging clients who are aged care providers.  The interactive Zoom sessions run over 10 weeks beginning on Tuesday, 4 May 2021 at 11am (ACST).

Participating in the ResilientMind program will:
  • Help build your self-awareness and self-management, so you can support and bring different ways of working to your team
  • Develop team practices to support employee wellbeing and performance
  • Improve your levels of performance, effectiveness, creativity and energy whilst boosting our resilience and overall balance
  • Build connection and collaboration when working virtually
  • Develop individual and collective focus and attention to support effective work practices
  • Improve your ability to listen deeply, build relationships and engage with a wide range of people across the sector and the community.
In addition to the program content, successful applicants will receive:
  • Access to the Awaris App. You can continue to use the app at the conclusion of the program so you can practice and build on your skills
  • Access to the Awaris Learning Hub. This is a wealth of additional resources including videos, handouts, slides, and research
  • Access to pre and post program surveys to assess your personal behavioural shifts as a result of attending the program

Further information

The interactive Zoom sessions run over 10 weeks beginning on Tuesday, 4 May 2021 at 11am (ACST). The first session will run for two hours and following sessions will be an hour and a half.

Each webinar is designed to provide knowledge, practices and exercises to link theory and practice together and support behavioural change. Below is a summary of each module:

  1. Introduction to mindfulness – Tuesday, 4 May 11am (ACST)

Understanding how the mind works and the integration of mind and body.  An exploration of stress and recovery.

  1. Attention and focus – Tuesday, 11 May 11am (ACST)

Attention is central to cultivating mindful practices and transforming our working mind. Neuroplasticity.

  1. Emotions – Tuesday, 18 May 11am (ACST)

Acknowledging and identifying emotions.  Working with emotions to expand our intelligence and working practices.

  1. Positive emotions – Tuesday, 25 May 11am (ACST)

Positive emotions, reward mechanisms.

  1. Time and flow – Tuesday, 1 June 11am (ACST)

Working in flow is the key to creative effectiveness in today’s knowledge world. Understanding and using time well.

  1. Deepening – Tuesday, 8 June 11am (ACST)

Moving from personal practice to organisational and team practices.

  1. Communication – Tuesday, 15 June 11am (ACST)

Deepening connections, understanding the social brain and the importance of empathy and compassion in leadership.

  1. Collaboration – Tuesday, 22 May 11am (ACST)

Mindful collaboration and building collective team intelligence/psychological safety.

  1. Leadership – Tuesday, 29 June 11am (ACST)

Decision making, navigating change, working with uncertainty.

  1. Closing session – Tuesday, 6 July 11am (ACST)

Working with habits, supporting behavioural shifts, neuroplasticity revisited.

CBB salary packaging clients who are:

  • aged care providers or
  • community services organisations that include aged care
  • Organisations must be salary packaging customers of CBB and offer aged care services
  • The person undertaking the Resilient Mind program must be from the organisation’s leadership or management team
  • The person undertaking the Resilient Mind program must be available for the 10 online sessions as recordings are not available
  • Organisations who have previously applied for or received a CBB grant are eligible to apply
  • Successful applicants must be happy to acknowledge CBB as a sponsor of the initiative and provide information to CBB as to how the grant has assisted your organisation or the community you serve
  • Successful applicants must be prepared to participate in CBB’s marketing and community engagement in relation to the grant. You may be requested to provide a case study and to participate in activities such as podcasts, webinars, annual reports, videos or other marketing collateral
  • Applications must be approved by the applicant organisation’s Chief Executive or Board Chair
  • Each grant is in the form of a 10 week online program
  • Successful applicants do not receive a cash grant, nor will they be reimbursed for the value of any unused program activities
  • Only one application can be made per organisation
  • Program places cannot be transferred to another employee

Your application must be submitted via the online application form on the CBB website.

Online application forms must be completed by the closing date (1pm ACST) on Friday 9 April 2021.

CBB will then review all applications for best fit with our selection criteria. We will endeavour to award grants across a range of different organisation types and geographies.

Successful applicants will be notified by CBB within two weeks of the closing date.

Unsuccessful applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application within four weeks of the closing date. Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications received, we will be unable to provide specific feedback on the reasons why your application was unsuccessful.

Successful applicants are asked to publicly acknowledge receipt of the grant through such means as social media, organisational newsletter or website announcement, or otherwise as specified in the guidelines.

CBB’s decision is final.

Community Business Grant: NDIS Growth

Further to our successful NDIS Success program, organisations were invited to apply for one-to-one support from CBB’s Business Consultants to develop a new or grow an existing NDIS service.

More NDIS services are needed across Australia, particularly in regional, remote, rural, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander communities. Whilst NDIS providers may already operate in and around these areas, a greater variety of services is required to meet the needs of individuals living within those communities. The support will focus on assisting organisations to develop a new or grow an existing NDIS service that they can take to market in their community.

There were five grants available.

Multiple applications from the same organisation were not permitted. You do not need to be an existing CBB client to apply.

Applications closed at 1pm (ACDT) on Friday 26 February 2021.
This grant was funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. CBB’s Community Development Fund also contributed funds to the program. It was free for participating organisations.

Community Business Grant: Business Resilience

The combined crises of the pandemic, societal lockdowns and economic impacts in 2020 have challenged many organisations and their business models.

Many not for profit organisations had activities and revenue streams disrupted significantly, while some fortunate organisations were less directly financially affected and, due to government stimulus, now find themselves with greater than usual profits and growth in financial reserves.

In this round, we offered two grants in the form of business model resilience consulting support.

We worked with the successful organisations to look at:

  • Analysis of their current business model or models – with particular focus on key partners, activities, resources and revenue streams
  • Assessing the vulnerabilities of the organisation through its business model/s
  • Working with management/board to develop strategies which address the vulnerabilities and opportunities

The consulting support expected to include meetings, workshops and business model development.

There were two grants available.

Applications closed at 1pm (ACDT) on Friday 5 February 2021.

This program is designed to develop the successful organisation’s business resilience and capacity.