FBT Year Ends March 31: Visit our FAQ page for key deadlines and actions

Do you have a board vacancy in your not for profit organisation?

Another part of CBB’s Community Development Program, our BoardMatch service will advertise your board position for you at no cost.

How does it work?

If you are an organisation seeking a board member, please fill in our BoardMatch application form. After a short approval process, we will then create a listing for you. Applicants can then contact you directly to apply for your Board position.

When possible, we will also assist you by promoting your vacancy through CBB’s social media channels and through our monthly Foreword publication. Better than that, this service is free of charge!

Register your NFP’s Board vacancy

Would you like to join a not for profit board?

If you are an individual seeking a board position please view the BoardMatch listings below, which we will update regularly as board positions become available. If you come across a suitable position that you would like to apply for, you can contact the organisation directly using the contact details provided in the vacancy listing – it’s that easy!

For further information or questions about our BoardMatch service, please contact us on [email protected] or call 1300 763 505.

Current BoardMatch vacancies