FBT Year Ends March 31: Visit our FAQ page for key deadlines and actions

Salary packaging

Find out more about CBB salary packaging and learn how it can enhance the quality of your workforce and create greater outcomes for the communities you serve.

Not for profit advisory

Find out how our tailored advisory services can improve the capacity and sustainability of your organisation, and elevate your impact.


About CBB: Partnering with organisations to achieve their mission

At CBB, everything we do has an impact. Our socially-focused services and initiatives create more sustainable and capable not for profit organisations that are empowered to change more lives for the better.

Whether we’re delivering highly personalised salary packaging, providing expert not for profit advisory services, or partnering with like-minded organisations to add more value for our clients, we’re always thinking about how we can amplify your impact.

View our FY23/24 Year in Review

View our strategic plan

Changing organisations. Changing lives.

Social Traders logoWe are a not for profit organisation, just like our clients. Our mission to develop the capacity and sustainability of our fellow not for profits has earned us a Social Traders certification, making us a recognised Australian social enterprise.

Over the years, we have honed our craft; the below process shows how we influence better business practices, stronger skill sets, and financial sustainability in Australian not for profits, which in turn changes lives within the communities our sector serves.

Discover our difference.

Our salary packaging and not for profit advisory services have a meaningful impact for our sector and communities. Here’s a breakdown of what we achieve:

Map of Australia, with green dots to represent the client locations all over Australia

Trusted by hundreds of organisations

We have built a reputation as a trustworthy, ethical, and socially-conscious service provider. Our clients choose to partner with us because we add value not only for their employees, but also the organisation itself.

It’s our empowering, supportive, and transparent partnerships that keep our clients coming back year after year.

750+ organisations choose to partner with us
150+ First Nations organisations choose to partner with us
99.7% of CBB salary packaging clients stay with us


Salary packaging for a stronger sector

Through salary packaging, we support not for profit organisations to offer more competitive salaries to staff. This helps employers to retain good people who would otherwise seek higher paid positions in different sectors. Salary packaging also supports staff attraction: prospective employees are more likely to accept a new role because salary packaging and its many benefits substantially improve the base remuneration on offer. The best part? It doesn’t cost the employer a cent.

You can see the pattern here: salary packaging is a powerful tool that improves both the quality and quantity of staff in our sector without placing additional financial burden on organisations.

81% of CBB customers said that having the option to salary package influenced their decision to accept their current role
85% of CBB customers said that having the option to salary package influences their decision to stay with their current employer
82% of CBB client organisations agree that salary packaging helps with staff retention


Use our salary packaging calculator to estimate the additional take home pay your staff could access.

Mark Gauci sitting at a table doing a salary packaging sign up appointment with a middle aged woman, smiling at the amount of tax that she'll save
CBB salary packaging team member Mitch holding a baby crocodile on a visit to an organisation in the NT to tell them about CBB

A national economic impact

We provide salary packaging to sector employees from all over the country, servicing people in the major cities and the most remote communities in Australia.

The additional take-home pay accessed through salary packaging can make a huge difference for sector staff. Our customers enjoy greater financial freedom, and have more income to use on travel, leisure, dining out, and luxury purchases. Of course, this has flow on effects for local businesses and economies — especially those in rural areas.

30,000 salary packaging customers nationally
1,200+ client locations serviced
$80 million in extra pay to staff

Impactful not for profit advisory

Through our partnership with socially-focused expert advisors, we afford our clients discounted access to robust, relevant, and impactful services.

Our expert advisors understand the challenges and opportunities facing not for profits from years of Board and leadership experience. That’s why, when working with our advisors, organisations receive solutions and advice that are tailored to the mission, model, and identity that makes them unique.

With a range of consulting services and professional development opportunities, our advisors ensure our clients are operating with enhanced capacity and sustainability.

Plus, as part of our commitment to supporting our sector, we offer an extensive library of free professional development resources designed especially for not for profits.

A group shot of the partners at VUCA
A board room table with eight chairs around it


Our BoardMatch service supports not for profit organisations to find suitable candidates for their board vacancies for free.

Organisations with Board vacancies need to complete our BoardMatch application form. We will then create a listing for you on our BoardMatch page. From here, applicants can contact you directly to apply for the position.

View vacancies

Register your NFP’s Board vacancy

Community Development Program

We reinvest our surplus into our sector, allowing us to fund grants, projects, free support, scholarships, and events. Here are the latest outcomes of our Community Development Program for the 2020/21 Financial Year:


4 twenty years old bending over and smiling into the camera with sunshine behind them

Investing in impact

We are committed to providing as much support as possible to our sector and the people working in it. In FY 20/21, our Community Development Program made a significant contribution both in terms of money and time. Discover some of projects we’ve supported.

$362k Overall Community Development Program investment

Free support for our sector

Through free advisory services and our Community Business Grants, we are building the capacity of organisations that otherwise couldn’t afford to access this calibre of support. Our Community Business Grant rounds respond to relevant and important issues facing our sector, and provide recipients with free expert support to overcome them sustainably and strategically.

$450k worth of free business and community organisation support
3,628 hours of expert advisory services and support
29 Community Business Grants awarded to not for profit organisations


View and apply for our current grant round

Register to be the first to know about future grant rounds

Professional woman in her twenties with glasses on. Sitting at a desk holding a pencil
Smiling man shakes hands with someone out of frame

A commitment to building skills

We strongly believe that our sector is only as good as its people. Our Keith Fulton Memorial Scholarship supports the sector’s best and brightest emerging leaders to access the prestigious Governor’s Leadership Foundation Program. You can read their stories here.

Plus, our expert advisors regularly contribute to our extensive library of free professional development resources. Here, sector professionals can access useful articles, videos, downloadable templates, and how-to booklets.

We also host Community ExecNet events, which attract not for profit Board members, CEOs, and executives. These networking events bring together leaders from different fields to share ideas, explore collaborative opportunities, and learn from guest speakers with compelling stories to share.

2 Scholarships awarded to emerging not for profit leaders
13,000+ hours of professional development resource engagement


Our people support our purpose

The CBB team truly embodies our mission of supporting the not for profit sector. We’re proud to support our staff to volunteer, allowing them to do so during work hours if necessary.

Our people also fundraise for important causes. All funds raised are matched by our Community Development Program.

967 volunteer hours provided by staff for important causes
CBB staff wearing colourful shirts to celebrate Can:Do 4 Kids Loud Shirt Day

Service Excellence Awards

Our people are the reason for our success. If you’ve received great service from an individual employee or were impressed by one of our teams, you can show your appreciation by nominating them for a Service Excellence Award.