NDIA’s ILC Investment Strategy has funding secured for Information, Linkage and Capacity Building (ILC) projects until 2022 and it’s time for another round of ILC grants.
The Individual Capacity Building (ICB) grant (round two) is expected to open for applications in just two weeks. Applications will close on the 22 April 2020.
Total funding available: $85 million (GST excl.)
Project commencement: August/ September 2020
Project period: up to two years
Who can apply?
- Disabled Peoples Organisations (DPO)
- Family Organisations (FO)
- Priority Cohort Led (PCL) organisations (Aboriginal & Torrens Strait Islander, Culturally and linguistically diverse groups, LGBTIQA+ communities)
The definition of the eligible organisation types will slightly vary from the first grant round. The NDIA has promised simplified grant opportunity guidelines and a simplified application form in plain English. The application guideline will inform organisations about the structure and questions they need to prepare for the grant applications.
Funding Priorities are cohorts and organisations in regions that were not funded in ICB round one. Also, organisations that were successful in the 12 month interim Disabled People and Families Organisations funding round and not successful in ICB round one will be prioritised.
Funding amounts per year
Small grants $10 -25,000
Large grants $100 – 500,000
Applicants for small grants need to address two selection criteria in their application. Larger grants require a more comprehensive project proposal and answer to three selection criteria.
Disabled Peoples Organisations and Family Organisations applying for ICB can also apply for additional funds for Organisational Capacity Building, up to $50,000 per year.
Tips for successful grant application
- Do not duplicate already existing resources.
- Check if the NDIA is the appropriate funding body or if the program should be funded from another source.
- Ensure there is evidence of need and claims are substantiated.
- Ensure people with disability are involved in the project.
- Demonstrate how the projects aligns with the social model of disability.
- Start small and create something that can grow bigger and can be copied elsewhere.
- Always read the grant guidelines.
Favourable are:
- Great innovative ideas addressing a need in your community.
- Project and outcomes that are sustainable in the long term.
- Collaborative partnerships that are leveraging of each other.
- New and emerging cohort.
To develop a strong application, applicants are required to address the following questions:
- What makes a strong application?
- Who will you target?
- What will you do?
- Why is there a need for the activity?
- Where will you deliver the activity?
- How will the activity be developed, delivered and evaluated?
- When will the project be delivered?
The last ICB round was a highly competitive grant round, with almost 500 applicants seeking over $210 million. Approximately one in five applications were success (to total of 105) with a funding amount of $105.875 million. Most applications were submitted in NSW (143) and Victoria (116). In SA 7 out of 38 applications received funding.
We expect to see further ILC grant rounds this year:
The second Economic & Community Participation grant round will offer three application streams: Economic Participation, Social and Community Participation and Activating Community Inclusion.
The Mainstream Capacity Building grant round two aims at enabling service systems to be more accessible and inclusive. Given the first round focused on Health Services we expect a different priority focus this year. At this stage there are no future rounds planned for the National Information Program.